Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Dieting Fads vs. Wholesome Meals: Choose Wisely! diet has been used and abused so many times that the word itself has lost all its real essence. When you hear the word, alarm bells sound in your head and all you can think about are the negative connotations of it but this shouldn’t be the case. If you think being on a diet is all about counting calories, cutting or skipping meals and near about starving yourself, then think again! 

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Chose between Losing a Kilo and Staying Healthy

Healthy Balanced Diet Plan
Making a diet plan is not half as challenging as sticking to one! And this is more so true in cases of women who have a hectic work schedule. What do you do when you cannot even have two simple meals of the day sitting? Well you end up having no control over your own body! Losing weight and staying healthy are two different things since the former is a short term goal while the latter is a more ling end sustainable state of mind.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Staying Healthy: Don’ts and the Do’s!
Health is wealth and indeed so! If you are someone who loves food and cannot stay away from trying all kinds of food and end up on the heavier side of the life, then no worries you can still live fitter and healthier despite this weakness. The idea behind healthy dieting is to make sure you have the room for all the good food without actually putting on the extra kilos. How do you make this happen? Well it does sound simple but one thing it will require is a strong resolve to stay on the plan that you make.